The third Intellectual Output to be developed within STEFAN project implies the development an e-learning platform which includes 6 learning modules, all available in English and national languages:
- Introduction to Ecotourism and Sustainable Tourism
- Ethical Issues – Ecotourism, Sustainability
- Safety and Quality in Ecotourism
- Promotion of Ecotourism – Effective Communication Techniques and IT Tools for more Efficient Marketing, Work in Networks
- Ecotourism Management – How to Run a Business Dealing with Ecotourism
- Tourism for Individuals with Disabilities
Training material for tutors
Based on the information that is contained in learning modules a training material earmarked for tutors has been developed by the partners, supporting them in the training of their learners.
This course materials includes STEFAN learning pathway and goals, exercises & case studies, information about adult learning, as well as guidance for evaluation. To have access to these materials, please go to the bottom of the page.
After having performed an online piloting with 15 participants testing the overall functioning of the platform and the material developed, partners have collected feedback and evaluated its functioning. All necessary amendments have been made to guarantee the finalization of the platform.
Should you be interested in following STEFAN course, please read the guidelines (user manual) under the section Intellectual Output 2 and click on the following link:

All Training Materials for Tutors and their Annexes are available in all languages below: